What Is An SEO Website Audit?

Websites Need Checkups Too!

Our in-depth SEO Audit Services will provide you with a full technical report on the health of your website. We will offer suggestions to improve your website presence and performance. This first step is very important for getting a look at how well your website is doing from a technical and search perspective. We manually search for on-site and off-site issues that may prevent your website from performing well in the search results. We will also offer suggestions on how to repair those issues.

Local SEO Audit

A local SEO audit will help determine issues that may be prevent your website from ranking with local search results. We will review your website for local SEO efforts.

SEO Technical Audit

It is critical to have a “web-friendly” website for successful search engine results. We will review the code of your website and identify issues that may cause trouble for search engines results.

SEO Content Audit

A content audit will help identify relevancy issues that may be cause confusion with Google as to what your website is about. Content issues can reflect poor rankings and low traffic.

SEO Link Audit

Diverse, clean, and relevant backlinks will help you rank well and will give you credibility with search engines. A link audit report will give you an outline of your current rank profile and determine any issues.

Competitive Audit

A Competitive Audit will show how well your competition is doing and will give you a better understanding on what you need to do to better to improve your search ranking. This important data will offer you valuable insight to help prepare an SEO strategy that will work to beat your competition.

We Want Your Website To Be Awesome!

Whether you want a backlink analysis or need a full website audit we are happy to help! After a brief consultation to determine what you goals are, we will begin our manual process of reviewing the necessary parts of your website to create your final audit report.

Every audit report we do is unique and is customized based on your specific needs and goals. When we manually audit your website, we may look at some or all of the items listed below and other items that are not listed.

Onsite SEO Audit

  • Aesthetic: feedback on design/structural improvements to increase conversions or traffic
  • Analytics/Webmaster Tools: make sure both are implemented correctly
  • Anchor Text: ensure proper anchor text is being used for images and web links
  • Bots: full analysis to ensure bots can properly crawl your website
  • Broken Links: both internal and external
  • Errors: server errors such as 404 pages (page not found errors)
  • External Links: who are you linking out to
  • File Size: check code and file sizes for best practices for faster load time
  • Headings: review H1, H2, etc titles for proper optimization and keyword usage
  • Images: check for image size issues and alt text
  • Meta Descriptions: check for missing, duplicate, or length issues
  • Mobile: ensure your mobile website is working. This is extremely important for Google ranking in 2018.
  • Redirects: ensure that your site has permanent 301 redirects instead of temporary 302 redirects
  • Robot.text file: make sure proper pages are being indexed
  • Sitemaps: ensure sitemaps are properly formatted for search engines
  • SSL: ensure that your site is has an SSL Certificate installed. This is extremely important for credibility and for Google ranking
  • Title Tags: check for missing, duplicate, or length issues
  • URL Structure: length issues and dynamic URLs

Offsite SEO Audit

  • Inbound Followed Links: quantity and quality
  • Anchor Text: ensure ratios are good
  • Authority and Trust: see how trusted your website is
  • Social Media: mentions and visibility

Local SEO Audit

  • Review Analysis: see how trusted your website is
  • Location Landing Page: mentions and visibility

Additional Audit Includes

  • Pre-Audit Consultation: 1 hour to review website, goals, and expectations
  • Post-Audit Consultation: 1 hour to review your audit and address any questions you may have

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